Case Studies

Client Work and Testimonials

The following project highlights are a representative sample of our experience in custom development. You can browse a larger collection of case studies here. Alternatively, download our Case Studies Brochure.


Case Study Highlights

Digital Front of House System

Blueberry developed a digital reception system using our BBWT development platform, which allows Lares Digital to route visitor calls to the first available receptionist, and allows their staff to remotely access and operate the building’s doors, announce visitors to their hosts, take deliveries and so on.

The new software has had an immediate impact on the level of service Lares Digital is able to offer their clients.

From a facilities management perspective, where maintaining high standards for occupants and visitors is paramount, the new software updates now enable more granular management. Real-time instructions can be given to integrated digital receptionists at both the company and individual staff/occupier levels. In terms of security, the software has been enhanced to allow photos to be taken of visitors, providing peace of mind to building owners and managers.

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Android Mobile Phone Application For The NHS

The Nutritional Epidemiology Group at the University of Leeds successfully secured a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) grant to investigate the use of mobile phone technology to help people lose weight. The Group contacted Blueberry as it required proven software expertise in mobile technology and database systems to help instigate the study plan.

Blueberry created the ‘My Meal Mate’ Android mobile phone application which provides users with:

  • A database of 35,000 common food items, which allows the user to record what was eaten throughout the day in a food diary.
  • “Photo mode” where the user can use the phone camera to take a photo of a meal as a reminder for completing the food diary.
  • “Favourites” feature to store common meals to make data entry easier.
  • Exercise entry to log calories used during the users’ daily exercise. Target weight loss settings, with limits to prevent unhealthy rates of weight loss.
  • Progress tracking and graphing.
  • Upload of diary entries to a reporting website.

    In addition to providing software expertise, Blueberry also played a strong technical consultancy role within the Nutritional Epidemiology Group – in particular with selecting the most appropriate phones for the project; generating custom reports and producing a specialised reporting website.
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Procurement Platform to Supply Pharmaceutical Products

Blueberry built a web platform for pharmaceutical buying group, Pharmax, that offers products to independent pharmacies in an efficient manner through partnerships with Ireland’s key manufacturers, suppliers and supply-chain experts.

Blueberry was also asked to develop an application programming interface (API) that could receive and process pharmaceutical orders sent by existing pharmacy dispensing software, and then automatically send the processed orders to Wholesaler APIs based on the best discounts for the products being ordered.

Blueberry used Angular, KendoUI, C#, Web Services, Amazon Cloud, and MS SQL Web Ed. technologies to successfully complete the project within the time frame required. The deliverables included:

  • An API to receive and process pharmaceutical orders sent by pharmacy dispensing software.
  • Automatically sending processed orders to Wholesaler APIs based on the best discounts for the products being ordered.
  • A secure web portal for pharmacists and wholesalers that can review both the orders and discounts of the products, while also providing the ability for pharmacies to order directly though the web portal and to generate reports on their order history and savings over the month.

Blueberry implemented a secure and robust platform that has enabled pharmacies to get the best discounts possible within one year of the project going live.

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Healthcare Pharmacy App For Repeat Prescriptions

The DIMEC Pharmacy app has addressed a need by patients to obtain their prescription medication quickly, cheaply and more conveniently than is currently possible.

The app integrates with the NHS Electronic Prescription Service and is easy to understand and use, secure and reliable.

The DIMEC Pharmacy app:

  • Works seamlessly across all devices.
  • Seamlessly integrates with the NHS Electronic Prescription.
  • Holds a comprehensive database of medicines.
  • Has a modern and clean design which easily guides users through the registration and ordering process.
  • Is available to download free from the App Store.

Since its launch, the app has already attracted an overwhelming number of users and received stellar reviews from customers, industry professionals and local media.

In September 2018, the Co-op acquired Dimec in a multi-million pound deal. The Co-op is hoping the purchase will help it to grow into a digital competitor within the £10.5 billion pharmacy market.

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Software Product Development & Mass-Market Distribution

In 2002, Blueberry Consultants recognised the emerging potential of screen recorders for creating software demonstrations, tutorials, and for communicating information about PC problems. The company made the decision to develop a high quality application to address the gap in the market.

Blueberry Software produced a screen recorder product for sale via the internet. In addition to developing the program, Blueberry created the online store and marketed the product.

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Electronic Lock Management System

Chubb Locks Custodial Services (CLCS) required a new management system to support their next generation of sophisticated microprocessor controlled locks. CLCS wanted expert professional software support to tackle the development within the required timescale and invited Blueberry to design and implement the new system.

Blueberry provided a complete control system in .Net based around SQL Server, allowing operators to see the status of all locks and other devices in the system, as well as implementing sophisticated features such as time-based locking and interlocking along with built-in redundancy support.

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A&E Patient Monitoring System

The East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust manages three busy hospitals:  Hertford County in Hertford, the Lister in Stevenage and the Queen Elizabeth II in Welwyn Garden City.

The Trust needed a way to monitor and reduce the incidence of breaches to the 4-hour waiting limit in its A&E departments. This included a new patient monitoring system to render breaches less likely.

Blueberry designed an electronic whiteboard system to manage the patient traffic in A&E Departments and ensure compliance with the national target to treat, discharge, transfer or admit patients within four hours of arrival.

The Klok system displays a visual record of patient activity in real time, instantly showing A&E staff who needs attention, what tests have been ordered, results obtained, where to act to prevent breeches to waiting times, where bottlenecks may be forming, and the allocation of a doctor or clinician to a patient, together with their accompanying medical notes.

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Mission-Critical Database Migrated From Access to MS-SQL Server

The HML Group provides a range of property services to the UK commercial and residential sectors, including property management, insurance and ancillary services.

When the Group’s mission-critical database started producing errors, Blueberry migrated the backend data storage from Access to Microsoft’s SQL Server. The database is now the core of HML’s strategy for business growth.

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Digital Marketing Research & Reporting Software

Quickwins provides product and brand intelligence to empower specialist teams involved in agency PR, digital and creative departments to collaborate and deliver successful marketing campaigns for their client’s products and brands.

The company required a system that would provide digital marketers with a single access route to a range of sophisticated online tools, so that the complex research, analysis and reporting data could be incorporated into the marketing reports used to inform client campaigns.

Blueberry made use of third-party API’s and HTML visualisation libraries to design a modular Windows system using C#, ASP.NET and JavaScript for processing marketing data from multiple tools.
The new ‘Rorkal’ software platform provides single access route to an assortment of Web and social databases to retrieve research, analysis and reporting data.

The software also compares the client’s online marketing performance against key competitors, identifies their relative online marketing strengths and weaknesses and present the results in the form of agency branded dashboard-style marketing reports.

To use the Rorkal software, a user simply enters a client URL, plus any competitor URLs. The user can then use the Rorkal workbench SEO toolset to analyse any sub-set of the Web or social sites listed.
Digital professionals can currently take up to two days to research and compile a single client marketing report. The Rorkal SaaS is able to complete comprehensive in-house and client marketing reports in less than three hours.

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Revision Guide Apps for BlackBerry Smartphones

SmartStudy required a suite of educational smartphone apps that would assist GCSE students with their exam revision. The apps were required to mirror the students’ curriculum schoolwork, so enabling anytime-anywhere learning. It also needed to support integration with Blackberry Messenger (BBM), a glossary/encyclopedia and games feature, plus multimedia and sharing via social media so that students could test themselves against their friends using high-quality exam board-specific content.

Blueberry utilised PhoneGap, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Java, Objective-C, ANT, DOS, and Shell script to produce a suite of educational apps for Blackberry Smartphones, which supports multimedia, social-media sharing, and a games feature. The apps come in several flavours to reflect the needs of each exam board and/or GCSE subject choices.

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Helping People Go Home

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) contacted Blueberry because it needed a way of gathering its UK-based information on migrants into an interactive database so that it could manage its operations more efficiently.

Blueberry designed a database system based on MS SQL Server together with client software written in C# .NET. The system allows the IOM in London to correlate detailed information – from flight details to individual migrant needs when they arrive at their destination – so that the organisation can provide appropriate guidance and support in keeping with the protection of migrants’ rights, migration health and the gender dimension of migration.

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Migration of Wireless Intelligence

The GSM Association has played a pivotal role in the development of the global wireless industry. The Association required its complex data and analysis service migrated to a new hardware platform without any disruption to its many thousands of users.

Blueberry performed a scope assessment and identified solutions to the various risks before safely moving the GSMA’s complex site to an entirely new environment with less than a full weekend’s downtime.

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Photo Book Web Site

Pixelmoon is a publishing website inspired out of the need in the expanding personalised print market for high quality and stylish photo books.

The company required a web-based application that could utilise web-to-print technologies in a seamless and reliable way, without concerns relating to image file size or user inexperience. The proposed site would also require full support for localisation, and an e-commerce facility to allow users to purchase their photo books once created. 

Blueberry implemented a web-based platform that employs a high-end Web to print solution to produce personalised books for sale direct to the public. The site allows users to upload image files, chosen a book size, position and scale pictures, place the order, and then convert the document to print-quality PDF, ready for a professional printing partner to complete the photo book.

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Digital Content Creation & Display System

Pupils TV is a leading supplier of multimedia products and services to the Education sector – from Primary Education through to Secondary Schools, Colleges and CLCs.

The company required a dynamic Windows-based messaging and content display system for the education sector, which would allow pupils to bring together different types of media. In addition to text and graphics, the client required any selection of live video, data feeds and animation to be mixable on screen to create the content and displayed in broadcast quality across a range of devices. Importantly, the system had to offer ease of use, so that children of all ages could intuitively use the software to create eye-catching visuals.

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Call Centre Software with Sophisticated Web-Based Management System

A UK company operating mobile communications services in China needed a system to run all aspects of its business.

Blueberry developed a sophisticated web-based system that overcame significant challenges in distributed database replication.

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Bespoke PowerPoint Presentations

Asabell is a top 40 B2B agency which specialises in improving its clients’ performance through sales briefings, sales toolkits and customer engagement using digital, print and events channels.

The central marketing team found that sales people often wasted time customising sales presentation materials, and sometimes used out-of-date information. To solve this problem, asabell required a system for managing the information and data that was available for sales and marketing presentations.

Blueberry developed the ‘Preasy’ Web-based PowerPoint presentation system which uses existing content to create a library of mini presentations. Each time new material is uploaded to the secure website it is tagged with a title and a description, allowing the sales team to quickly locate the latest presentations.

The system includes a personalisation feature which allows a Title, Date, Customer Name, User Name and client logo to be substituted into the presentation. The result is a tailored, branded presentation in either PowerPoint or PDF format. The process takes less than 2 minutes and is perfect for sales people visiting customers; a trainer developing a course; or anyone else who uses PowerPoint presentations.

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