Blueberry Web Template

Blueberry Web Template Logo - Custom Software - Blueberry Consultants Ltd.

Custom Software in a Box. Some Assembly Required.

*Batteries not included.

Blueberry Web Template is much more than just a development framework or technology stack.
It comes with all the core binding code needed to build a complete modern app.

Blueberry Web Template is designed by us for building modern business web apps for our clients. Using pre-built modules, it delivers powerful apps quickly.


A Toolkit for Making Business Apps

It's a platform for developing business apps, full of grids and forms to capture and translate that all-important data.


The Power of Open-Source Tools

There's no lock-in. It uses tried and tested open-source tools throughout, so it’s future-proof and can be handled by any dev who knows his stuff.


Built-in Themes

BBWT ships with pre-made, modern themes that are guaranteed to make your finished web app look good!


Secure by Design

Secure by design - and security tested. Designed to meet the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) protocols.


All the Code Needed Baked In

As well as pre-built modules, best programming practices and proven design themes, BBWT comes with all the core binding code needed to build a modern app.


Get To Market Faster

BBWT is a launch accelerator - removing around a third of the code that needs to be written because it’s already there. User Management, 2FA, SSO, File Management, CSV Import – all done!


BBWT is Opinionated

No need to make choices about the right JS framework, GUI toolkit, or CI system to use – BBWT makes intuitive choices for you.


Developer Support

If you get stuck, Blueberry can provide support, or take it over from where you left off. We’ll charge for our time, of course, but it’ll still drastically reduce your up-front costs.

Building a modern web app from scratch is hard, and there are hundreds of choices – which JS framework, which GUI toolkit, which CI system, etc. BBWT makes those decisions for you, and then gives you pre-built solutions for 20+ of the biggest problems you’ll face.

Technical Platform

Modern web-applications are normally built on top of a stack of other technologies – such as “LAMP” (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP). For BBWT, we’ve selected a set of popular, well-supported, open-source core technologies, which provides security confidence and scalability.



Gold-Plated Brand New Web Apps

BBWT includes advanced features that typically get added to major web projects when they are well down the line – no one builds these into a brand new app, because typically there’s not the time or resources. With BBWT, we’ve taken the time to do things right, so you can create powerful and intuitive web applications quickly, potentially taking years off your build schedule.


Top FAQs

Is it a framework?

It's a platform, not a framework. A framework is just the scaffold (something like Angular) which uses the underlying platform to run the application. We use Angular as just one of the tools in BBWT.

Do you have competitors?

We have competitors, but none like BBWT. There are low-code solutions, but none which give you the productivity boost and flexibility of being bespoke. Ruby on Rails is similar in many ways. It's usually combined with Heroku to add extra functionality - but most people want to be on AWS or Azure.

Is it a technology stack?

It's a platform, not a stack. A “stack” means a collection of core tech, such as the LAMP stack or the MEAN stack. BBWT has a lot of extra code on top of the Angular / .NET Core / Prime NG stack - code which is the glue for building a new app.

Is it still custom software?

Absolutely. If you think of building a web app as if you were building a house, then BBWT gives you the foundations, plus a large chunk of the plumbing. You'll still have to lay a few bricks.

What other tools does BBWT use?

BBWT utilises Tools such as Gitlab, Raygun, Graylog. They can be switched out, but you’ll save time if you keep them.

Who owns it?

The customer owns all the new code and the IP for their app. We provide complete source code for BBWT, with a totally unlimited license to use it within your organisation (unlimited user, permanent, transferable, royalty free).

We use BBWT to build exemplary web apps for our clients at Blueberry, and we’re working towards making BBWT a DIY kit that you can buy to build your own custom web apps. If you’re interested in obtaining a license, let us know!

Example BBWT Projects

Blueberry Web Template is proven – it’s the foundation for over 50 projects at Blueberry!

Case Studies-Projects-Blueberry Consultants-arla 2

Site Management System For Dairy

This management system keeps track of the flow of vehicles in and out of a new £150 million dairy. This includes booking vehicles and tracking the location of lorries as they move around the premises, dropping off completed deliveries and becoming assigned to new delivery runs.

Case Studies-Projects-Blueberry Consultants-beautyguild

Management Services App

Blueberry developed a salon appointment and booking management app for The Guild of Beauty Therapists which provides different subscription levels to attract and retain customers via tiered amenities and prices.

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Cloud-Hosted Business Operations System

Tarmac required an internal system that their staff could use, irrespective of their location. BBWT was used to replace a spreadsheet-based internal system for a cloud-based system offering a comprehensive set of reports for staff analysis.

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Digital Front of House System

Blueberry developed a digital reception system, which allows Lares Digital to route visitor calls to the first available receptionist, and allows their staff to remotely access and operate the building’s doors, announce visitors to their hosts, take deliveries and so on.

Want to use BBWT on your next project?



We're easy to talk to - tell us what you need.


Don't worry if you don't know about the technical stuff, we will happily discuss your ideas and advise you.