What We Do

We Provide Custom Software Development and Technical Consultancy Services

Blueberry provides a full range of custom software development and technical consultancy services. Our highly skilled team is the best in the business, with many years of experience in meeting clients’ needs. From nurturing tech start-ups to digital transformation and technical consultancy - our experience spans the full range of custom software development.

what-we-do-Custom Software


Software Services

From small entrepreneurial projects to complex systems for major corporations - we do it all!

We’re a software development company. We work with our clients to understand their unique challenges and find a custom software solution that exactly fits the way they work. If commercial software is already available that can be adapted to their needs, we’ll advise them. For a completely bespoke solution, our team of highly skilled software consultants is the best in the business, with many years of experience in meeting clients’ needs.

Blueberry provides a full range of custom software development and technical consultancy services. Our core bespoke software development services include:

Windows Applications

Design and development of standalone Windows Applications, drawing from our own experience developing products for the Windows platform. More about how we develop Windows applications

Web Applications

The creation of websites that go beyond static pages. We have extensive experience developing enterprise-quality databases and backend infrastructure.

Mobile Applications

Blueberry has the development skills to build and deploy applications targeted at any of the mobile platforms and hardware manufacturers in use today. The team is also well-placed to provide tailored approaches involving multiple technologies and programming languages where necessary. Whatever your business process or context, Blueberry has the expertise to provide bespoke, comprehensive solutions to mobile integration, enhancing not only communication but also efficiency and productivity. Read more about how we develop Mobile applications.

Progressive Web Applications

We have extensive experience of developing Progressive Web Applications (PWAs). These are a type of application software that is delivered via the web, built using common web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript, but intended to work on any platform – desktop, tablet or mobile – in a way that achieves the same user experience as native applications on mobile devices. PWAs provide a high-quality user experience across multiple channels and development costs can be significantly reduced compared to building separate web and mobile applications. Read more about PWAs here.

Database Applications

The design and implementation of database systems using Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle. Read more about Blueberry and Database Systems.


Cross-Platform Applications

We have the expertise to create products that run on Windows, Linux and Mac.These services and skills can be combined within a single project – for example, we have strong expertise in the creation of software-based products and services. In addition, we have a number of Specialist Services, including upsizing MS Access Databases. Read more about Blueberry and cross platform development.

Cloud and Amazon Web Services

The design and development of enterprise-oriented applications, cloud service models and API handing. Read more about our cloud services here. Many software systems are built on top of AWS for security, reliability and the ability to scale indefinitely at very low cost. Read more about our AWS expertise here.

Technical Consultancy

Our Technical Consultancy Service includes:

  • Creation of specifications and design documents for new software development projects.
  • Development reviews – to establish whether a development project is on the right track.
  • Design and Technology reviews – to confirm that a project has the correct architecture and design, perhaps prior to investment. 

In addition, we provide clients with impartial advice on how to structure software projects, and on the appropriate technical architecture for a new system. We can also help in situations where the communication between management and technical staff is not working correctly or needs that extra clarity.

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to modify or create new business processes and customer experiences to meet changing business and market expectations. One of the goals of digital transformation is to achieve an ongoing state of responsiveness that lets your business continually adapt to changes in customer preference and marketplace dynamics. This involves the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, thereby fundamentally changing how that business operates and delivers value to customers. Blueberry has transformed many businesses through the application of the latest technologies and methodologies in custom software to optimise operations and improve engagement with employees and end users. If you’re just beginning to think about digital transformation, talk to our experts about an initial consultation about your needs and how best to embrace digital transformation. We can offer technical consultancy as well as a complete custom solution that exactly fits the way you work. Read more about Digital Transformation here.

Generative AI Integration

Blueberry can seamlessly integrate cutting-edge generative AI technology like ChatGPT, or open-source alternatives, to create custom solutions tailored to your specific business needs. Our experienced developers will work closely with you to understand your goals and develop custom solutions that harness the power of large language models to enhance your website or systems. Read more about AI Integration here.

What We Do

“Blueberry specialises in custom software development, creating software systems that make organisations more efficient and profitable. Whether you’ve got an idea for a completely new business or you want a system to manage your whole company we can help you.”

Martin Green | CEO | Blueberry Ltd.

Company Overview

“We build bespoke software that addresses the most complex of business challenges, using the latest programming, browser and mobile‐friendly technology ‐ and we love building business applications for the Cloud.”

David Lee | Managing Director | Blueberry Systems

We're easy to talk to - tell us what you need.


Don't worry if you don't know about the technical stuff, we will happily discuss your ideas and advise you.