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Top 10 JavaScript MVC Frameworks


Jonathan Allan PhD -

As modern web browsers become more powerful, the desire to build full-blown web applications using JavaScript has become increasingly popular. Luckily, the complexity of this programming language has brought with it a range of tools to help custom software developers take full advantage.

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Few custom software developers start with a blank screen when building a new app in JavaScript. That’s why, over the last few years, a number of frameworks have been devised that enable people to build deeply functional web applications without having to spend countless hours manually writing routine code.

MVC frameworks can be implemented quickly and combined with manually-written code that introduces the all-important business logic (the stuff that determines the real-world business rules for such software).

What is A JavaScript MVC Framework?

The Model-View-Controller pattern helps developers organise their code in an uncluttered, approachable manner. The three elements can be very simply described as follows:

  • Model. This represents the underlying structure of data within an application.
  • View. The user interface – everything that can be seen and interacted with on screen.
  • Controller. This handles the input from any View element that is interacted with by the user and manipulates the Model accordingly.

By dividing any piece of software into the three interconnected parts above, developers can focus on each element independently while always being mindful of its effect on the other areas of the app.

The Best JavaScript MVC Frameworks

HTML Ajax apps are becoming increasingly sophisticated, but developers need assistance in taking full advantage of modern web browsers. Thankfully, there are a vast range of JavaScript MVC frameworks available. Below, we’ve picked out 10 of the best.

1. Kendo
A great framework for mobile and web app development, consisting of three widgets: UI Web (everything you need to build a modern website), UI Mobile (offers the ability to build mobile web apps that could be mistaken for native apps) and UI DataVis (enables developers to implement beautiful user-facing visualisation of data and reports).

2. Sencha Touch
Sencha is a great user interface JavaScript library that is built specifically for mobile web apps and enables developers to create user experiences that feel like native applications.

3. jQuery Mobile
A cross-platform mobile JavaScript framework, jQuery Mobile is designed to enhance and simplify web app development by integrating HTML5, jQuery, CSS and the jQuery UI into one, single framework. It is robust and satisfyingly well-organised.

4. Angular
Considered by many to be the ‘big daddy’ of JavaScript frameworks, due to the fact it was developed by Google. There is a huge developer community behind Angular and it excels particularly in supercharging HTML code thanks to its ability to aid the construction of dynamic user interfaces.

5. Ember
Originally released in 2011, Ember takes cues from Angular when it comes to the ability to create dynamic user-facing elements for web apps. Like Google’s framework, Ember can update the View when the Model changes and vice versa, keeping the mechanics of apps perfectly in sync.

6. Backbone
Used by Pinterest, Walmart and Delicious, the Backbone framework is purposefully simple, easy to learn and light on its feet when it comes to deployment. Many developers love the ease with which Backbone.js can be slotted into any project.

7. Meteor
A full end-to-end solution for developing complete web applications purely in JavaScript. Meteor includes tools for everything from the pretty front-end stuff to the functional back end database management and business logic.

8. React
Facebook and Instagram rely on the React JavaScript framework due to its ability to build large applications that are dynamic and can be vastly scaled. React is at its best when rendering complex user interfaces and is rapidly becoming the fastest growing JavaScript framework of the modern age.

9. Aurelia
A relatively young framework, Aurelia was originally released in January 2015 and can trace its roots back to Angular. It is notable for its vast collection of small libraries from which developers can pick and choose without having to implement the entire framework.

10. Polymer
Another Google invention, the Polymer framework extends the capabilities of HTML code by using web components. It means that standard HTML5 elements can be customised (for example, <audio> could become <my-audio>).

A Note On Cross-Platform Development

With so many devices and operating systems now on the market, developers are clamouring for simple ways to create apps using HTML5 technology. Thankfully, a number of platforms make cross-platform development eminently approachable. Sencha Touch and jQuery Mobile are noted above, but PhoneGap and NativeScript also take some beating.


Any developer worth their salt will know the value of frameworks in JavaScript programming. Countless hours can be lost re-writing code that is functional rather than creative or aimed at realising the business logic of an app. Such code is vital, but MVC frameworks make the laborious job of implementing it effortless.

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